Please complete our referral form and send it to us before your client’s appointment so we can review it in advance. The form is important for our reference and medical records. You may print and fax the referral form or complete the on-line form which will be securely emailed to us.

We also encourage you to call us if you would like to discuss the case in advance.

(816) 229-1544

(816) 228-9364

Please complete the on-line referral form and captcha
which will send us a secure email.

If you need to send us a general email rather than a referral form, please use the Contact Us form or [email protected].

NOTE: Email is routinely checked twice daily Mon-Sat except on holidays. If this is an urgent referral please call us at 816-229-1544 to let us know you have sent a referral form or email.